11th March 2022
八篇奇幻故事 2021人氣獎結果出爐
謝謝參與這次故事人氣獎投票的所有人,因為大家的支持讓活動圓滿成功! 我們也非常開心在這裡公布2021年最受歡迎的兩篇故事,這兩篇故事皆由繪本編譯課的大學生們所繪寫,分別為:
精靈國奇遇記 2 邪惡巫師
創作者 何驊臻 莊皓婷 錢欣伶 楊鎧憶 郭芷妤
創作者 錢冠妤 郭語潔 鄭安庭 楊硯婷 林渝臻
想要知道更多故事的內容嗎? 立刻按下這頁的插圖吧!
The 2021 Most Loved Stories Written by College Students
Thank you to all who participated in the Vote-for-Your-Favorite-Stories event and helped make it a success! We are so excited to announce the two most loved stories written and illustrated by our college students in the Picturebook Translation and Editing course in 2021. The favorites are:
An Adventure to Pixieland 2 The Evil Wizard
by Hua-zhen He, Hao-ting Zhang, Xin-ling Qian, Kai-yi Yang and Zhi-yu Guo.
Did Rover fly?
by Guan-yu Qian, Yu-jie Guo, An-ting Zheng, Yan-ting Yang and Yu-zhen Lin.
Congratulations to the authors/illustrators listed above!
Want to learn more about their stories? Just click the illustrations on this page!
精靈國奇遇記 2 邪惡巫師
創作者 何驊臻 莊皓婷 錢欣伶 楊鎧憶 郭芷妤
An Adventure to Pixieland 2 The Evil Wizard
by Hua-zhen He, Hao-ting Zhang, Xin-ling Qian, Kai-yi Yang and Zhi-yu Guo.
創作者 錢冠妤 郭語潔 鄭安庭 楊硯婷 林渝臻
Did Rover fly?
by Guan-yu Qian, Yu-jie Guo, An-ting Zheng, Yan-ting Yang and Yu-zhen Lin.