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Where’s Mally?

18th January 2022

Authors and Illustrators 吳汶錡 洪汶卉 王俞文 閻昭茵 郭芳岑

Story inspired by 

Mally the Monkey on Story Meets Story 

Mally the Monkey from What Lives in Your Imagination story collection 


那天之後,不論馬戲團成員多努力找就是找不到猴子馬利,於是芬妮虎說:「再 這樣找下去也不是辦法,我們應該要繼續表演,說不定馬利看到我們的演出就會 回來了。」


熊團長擦掉眼淚說:「芬妮虎說的對,我們應該要振作起來!」,成員們很難過 沒辦法和馬利一起表演,但他們開始設計馬戲團的特別表演節目,還有新穎的演 出,而在排演過程中,他們總是為馬利留了一個位置,因為他們相信馬利總有一 天會回來。




然而在多次表演之後,馬利都還是沒有回來,也都沒有發現馬利的蹤影,於是他 們變得越來越沒有動力表演,因為總是覺得表演時好像少了些什麼,但是他們並 沒有因此放棄繼續尋找馬利。


過了不久,馬戲團成員又重回到十號馬戲棚表演,大家的心情都非常沉重,因為 十號馬戲棚正是失去馬利的地方。


泰勒看到大家心情都不是很好,於是開口說道:「我知道這個地方對大家來說有 著難過的回憶,但希望大家能夠暫時忘掉悲傷,一起打起精神完成這場表演。」


聽了泰勒說的話後,熊團長便大喊要大家集合,接著他說:「大家不要氣餒,我 們總有一天可以找到馬利的!」


馬戲團秀正式在十號馬戲棚重新開幕了,芬妮虎和泰勒一上場就手牽著手跳過了 三個火圈,就在跳過最後一個火圈的那刻,芬妮虎發現台下有個觀眾長得很像馬 利,她激動地直接衝下台大喊:「馬利!」


然而,那個觀眾一看到芬妮虎卻是驚恐地轉身逃走。 熊團長看到後也馬上追了出去,他急忙抓住那個觀眾,發現他就是大家尋找已久 的馬利。






熊團長生氣地說:「你在說什麼!大家都很想你,沒有你的馬戲團,一點活力都 沒有。」





​(English Text)

From that day on, no matter how hard the circus tried to look for Mally, they still couldn't find him. So Tiffany said, "there’s no sense in stopping our performance just to find Mally. We should continue to perform. Maybe Mally will come back when he sees our performance."


Head Bear wiped away his tears and said, " Tiffany is right. We should cheer up!" It was sad to perform shows without Mally, but the circus decided to move on to prepare new performances. During rehearsal, the crew always reserved a place for Mally because they believed that Mally would come back one day.


The circus started to tour around as many places as possible because in that case they would have a better chance to find Mally!


However, after they performed again and again, Mally didn’t come back and they found no trace of him. They were getting frustrated because they always had a sense of emptiness in their hearts. Still, they didn't give up on finding Mally.


Shortly after, the circus members returned to cabin ten to perform their shows.  The circus was deeply gloomy because cabin ten was where Mally went missing.


Tyler saw that everyone was not in a good mood. He said, “I know this place brings you all the sad memories, but I hope all of you can forget your sadness for a while, and cheer up together to complete the performance.”


After everyone listened to what Tyler said, Head Bear brought everyone together. Then he said, "keep your chin up, we will find Mally one day!"


The circus began to perform their shows in cabin ten. Tiffany and Tyler jumped through three loops that were on fire while holding hands with each other. Next, jumping over the last loop, Tiffany spotted a spectator who looked just like Mally. She rushed down and shouted, "Mally!"


However, the spectator turned and ran away in horror as soon as he saw Tiffany.


 Head Bear also chased after him immediately. He quickly caught that spectator and found that it was Mally, the missing performer that the circus had been looking for for a long time.


 “ Mally, where have you been? We’ve been looking for you for a long time. Everyone is worried about you.” said Head Bear.


 “It seems like everyone is still doing well without me,” Mally replied coldly.


 “What are you talking about? We do miss you very much. The circus without you is nothing.” Head Bear said angrily.


“ Please! We all need you very much. Come back and perform the shows with us.” Tiffany said.


Mally was deeply touched by what Head Bear and Tiffany said. In the end, Mally reunited with the crew happily and continued to perform countless shows with the circus.

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