Murder Mystery
7th April 2022

Written by Scoil Mhuire, Shankill, 5th Class, Fighting Words Wicklow
Translated by 羅智姮 程麗君 劉映彤 邱詩芹
Illustrated by 張瑜芬 趙子瑄 蘇郁晴 游語誠 吳昱謙
經過多年的訓練,我終於做到了! 我成為了一名偵探。那些不相信我是最厲害的人都愚蠢至極。
(Original Text)
After years and years of training, I finally made it: I’m a detective. I’m the best detective and anyone who disagrees is stupid.
I work for the DPD (Dublin Police Dept.) which is quiet but busy sometimes. Right now, it’s pretty quiet so I'm eating donuts waiting for my partner, Robert.
Suddenly, the electricity cut off! I felt dizzy and lightheaded, and instantly I passed out with fear.
Two hours later, I woke up, my eyes were sore and twitching from all the lights. On the walkie talkie I heard a static voice calling my unit number.
“U7891! Get out of your office! We have an important case!”
“Yes SIR!”
I stumbled outside into the rainy night. There was a loud silence which made me tremble. I saw my partner Robert leaning against a sketchy police car, tapping his foot and checking his watch.
When I made my way over, he had an unsettling look on his face.
“The address of the case leads to your mother’s new house,” muttered Robert.
I started to back up a few steps, feeling uncomfortable and sweating with panic. I felt nauseous and anxious.
We sped to the address, to the house which looked dark. The windows were smashed and there was fog all around.
We kicked in the door and gasped...