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Lil Timmy’s Revenge

09 May 2022

Written by St. Laurence O'Toole National School, Roundwood, 4th Class

Translated by  陳玠甫  陳俊文  蔡柏宇  王仁澤

Illustrated by 江心誼  吳寀綸  郭沛柔  羅于晴  王亭汶





我問他:「你好,松鼠! 你想要跟我做朋友嗎?」

















(Original Text)

It was 1922 and my parents went to fight in the war. They died tragically. I was left alone with my best friend, Oreo the Bernese Mountain Dog.


One day, we were walking around the reservoir when we found a squirrel. It was wearing a cowboy hat.


“Hi squirrel, want to be my friend?” I asked.


Oreo started to bark and the squirrel ran away.


We finally set off to find the base of the person who gave the order to kill my parents. It was time for revenge.


On the way, we passed a field of bulls. I was terrified. When we ran away, Oreo and I accidentally split up and we couldn’t find each other.


A while later, I heard familiar barking coming from a long distance.


When I got there, I found Oreo in quicksand. The squirrel from earlier that day ran out of nowhere and began to throw little punches on my leg.


I noticed Oreo going fully under the quicksand and I jumped in. Just as I was about to go under, the squirrel crawled onto my shoulder. It bent over and pulled Oreo out.


I couldn’t pull myself out. It was up to the animals to get me out…

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