精靈國奇遇記 2 邪惡巫師
An Adventure to Pixieland 2: The Evil Wizard
18th January 2022
Authors and Illustrators 何驊臻 莊皓婷 錢欣伶 楊鎧憶 郭芷妤
Story inspired by
An Adventure to Pixieland on Story Meets Story
An Adventure to Pixieland from What Lives in Your Imagination story collection
每次去到圖書館,他都會去翻閱那本書,希望能夠再一次回到那魔法仙境。然而, 他都沒有成功。
隔天,小男孩急忙跑到圖書館,翻開了那本書,想要趕快回到精靈國幫助他的朋 友。
小男孩難過地坐在圖書館的角落。忽然,他發現遠方散發著微弱的光芒。 他慢慢地走近,想要知道光從哪裡 來的,於是小男孩跟著光線一路來到了頂樓。這時光芒變得越來越刺眼,他感覺 有個人影在亮光後面等他。
小男孩還來不及多問就點點頭,這時小精靈輕觸他的背,神奇的是,背上竟然 長出了翅膀!
小精靈告訴他:「有一個壞巫師搶走了國王的魔杖,對我們施了暗黑魔咒,讓精 靈們變得死氣沉沉。我們必須打敗他,搶回他手上的魔杖。」
小男孩聽了之後,決定召集所有精靈們一起對巫師發動攻擊。他們嘗試了許多方 法奪回魔杖。 然而,巫師是個比巨龍更難纏的敵人,就算小男孩和精靈們不斷的 攻擊也沒辦法打敗他。
「沒錯,就是這個了!」小男孩靈光一現,請精靈們把身上所有的精靈粉塵都撒 在他身上。
為了感謝小男孩,小精靈給了他一條項鍊並告訴他:「只要摸著項鍊,心裡想著 精靈國,就隨時都可以回來。」
在精靈國第二次的旅程中,小男孩學到了: 力敵不如智取!
(English Text)
After the boy defeated the dragon in Pixieland, he returned to his ordinary life.
He missed his friends in Pixieland and the days he spent there.
Every time he went to the library, he would open that same magical book and hoped that he could go back to that magic land again. However, he never succeeded.
A few months passed, and one night he dreamed that Pixieland was in danger again.
The next day, the boy rushed to the library and opened the book trying to go back to Pixieland to help his friends.
However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not enter the world of Pixieland!
He sat sadly in the corner of the library. Suddenly, he saw a weak beam of light coming from the other side of the room. He approached it slowly, trying to get closer to see where the light was coming from. The light became brighter as he followed it to the top floor of the building. He felt someone was waiting for him behind the light.
Just as expected, he saw a pixie coming out of the light ray!
The pixie said in a hurry, " Pixieland needs your help! Follow me!"
The boy agreed without hesitation. The pixie touched his back gently and surprisingly a pair of wings grew on his back!
He followed the pixie, and they flew above the clouds to Pixieland.
Nothing was like what he saw last time. Pixieland was lifeless when they arrived.
“The evil wizard snatched the king’s magic wand and cast a dark spell upon us, and the pixies lost their powers. We have to defeat the evil wizard and take the magic wand back.” the pixie said.
After hearing what the pixie said, the boy gathered all the pixies to fight against the wizard. They tried so many ways to take back the magic wand, but no matter how hard they fought, they could not defeat the wizard. The wizard was even stronger than the dragon.
Never thinking of giving up, the boy eventually discovered the secret of the glowing pixie dust on the pixies’ wings.
“This is it!” he came up with an idea, the boy told the pixies to pour all the pixie dust they had onto his body.
The boy gleamed like the sun when the pixie dust covered him.
He flew straight to the wizard, and the wizard was overwhelmed by the dazzling light and immediately closed his eyes. The boy took away the wand and turned the evil wizard into a stone.
After getting the wand back, the king broke the spell. Pixieland thrived again as it was before.
The pixie gave the boy a necklace to thank him for his courageous act. “As long as you touch this necklace and think about Pixieland, you can come back here anytime you
want.” the pixie told him.
After his second adventure to Pixieland, the boy learned that wisdom is better than strength.